To Live A Life Where No Animal Is In Pain

About Thorough Performance Massage LLC

Thorough Performance Massage LLC provides top level equine/canine sports massage therapy and teaches Kinesiology Taping Classes throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest.

Owner Dana Konkol, grew for the love of animals at a young age. She always wanted them to feel comfort and live a pain free life. Her passion grew in junior high/high school where she was involved in 4-H and FFA. She went off to College to get her associates degree in Veterinary Science and worked in an Animal Based Career.

In 2019 her love and passion grew and she got a certification in Equine/Canine Massage Therapy. This passion flourished today in her ever evolving business Thorough Performance Massage LLC.

Certifications/Education Include:

  • Equine Sports Massage Therapy

  • Canine Sports Massage Therapy

  • Member of IAAMB

  • Multiple Certifications in Equine Kinesiology Taping Practitioner

  • Craniosacral Therapy

  • Equine Acupressure

  • Associates Degree in Veterinary Science

  • Senior BEMER Distributor



Equine/Canine Massage Therapy

Beginner Equine Kinesiology Course

Fundamental Equine Kinesiology Tape Course


“Highly recommended!!!! Dana is easy to talk to, patient and can truly communicate with her hands. You can see how passionate she is with her work and how much she loves to help your animals! She goes above and beyond to find a solution to meet your needs.”

-Tracey Elsner

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength”

— Philippians 4:13